
Jonathan R Miller

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Pastor Jonathan Miller, aka YPJ, is the pastor of Faith Apostolic Ministries (F.A.M.). YPJ is known for his high energy, informative sermons, bold stance for the name of Jesus and witty humor.

He served as youth pastor under his parents, Bishop Eddie L. and Pastor Diana Miller for ten years, and has served as senior Pastor of F.A.M. since 2011.

​Pastor Jonathan, who is also a songwriter and musician, was nominated for the 2013 Grammy’s Gospel Song of the Year category for his songwriting contributions on Fred Hammond’s song, “I Feel Good.” His innovative leadership style and willingness to bridge the gap between generations is catapulting his ministry to higher heights.

​YPJ’s desire is to make the word of God relevant to an “un-churched” generation. YPJ’s fearless use of the prophetic anointing on his life and his compassion for people are sure to move him forward in accomplishing this goal.

Usa 🇺🇸
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